No Mas Colon Irritable - Digital Store

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Saturday, April 14, 2018

No Mas Colon Irritable

Is Colon Hydrotherapy Really Effective in Treating Irritable Bowel?
As irritable bowel patients, in our desperate search for a solution to this annoying condition, we may eventually come to treatments or procedures that have the potential to cause more damage to our body than the benefits we get to perceive.
Throughout the years, the popularity of the procedure known as Colon Hydrotherapy (both homemade and practiced by certain medical institutions) has grown and many people choose it as an alternative to cleanse their bowels and treat their problems at the same time. Irritable bowel
Many speculations are made about this type of procedure in different contexts, and despite this, there is currently no scientific evidence that conclusively demonstrates its effectiveness and relevance in solving intestinal problems such as irritable bowel.
For this reason, in this article you will know everything you need to know about colon hydrotherapy in relation to the treatment of SCI.
How is colon hydrotherapy practiced?
Fundamentally it is a procedure aimed at cleaning the colon. This procedure is performed by irrigating your colon for which two hoses are used.
One of them is used to pump water through the rectum and the other is responsible for removing the water that has lodged in your intestinal tract.
Does this procedure pose any health risk?
We can not deny that our body is wise to some extent, which means that these types of procedures are not strictly necessary in many cases and I must say, much less when you have irritable bowel.
Keep in mind that your body alone has the ability to cleanse at the right time, as long as you develop totally healthy habits.
To achieve this, you simply have to be strict in your diet: drink water constantly and in abundance, exercise regularly, and eat properly.
By doing this, you will propitiate the proper functioning of your body and avoid subjecting it to procedures that are highly invasive and potentially harmful.

Risks of Colon Hydrotherapy
A colon cleansing through procedures such as hydrotherapy can represent certain side effects such as:
- Strong cramps (In your case, when suffering from irritable bowel, the pains can be unbearable)
- Threw up
- Dehydration
- Leg cramps due to the decrease in potassium.
As you can see, going to the colon hydrotherapy can be risky for you and is a decision that you should not take in a hurry because there are many variables that you should consider.
For no reason should you expose your body to unnecessary or risky treatments or procedures.

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